Featured Reports on Reading Assistant Software

Students with better Reading Assistant implementations show greater gains

School Years: 2013-2014
Number of Schools: 5
Number of Students: 755
Grade Levels: K-8

Completing a large number of Reading Assistant selections at the Proficient or Developing performance levels linked to exceeding expected gains in reading skills.

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High school students in Kentucky improve ACT Reading scores after Reading Assistant use

School Years: 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Number of Students: 61 students
Grade Levels: 9th, 10th, & 12th grades

At the beginning of this study, the students’ average reading score was 12.3. After Reading Assistant use, the group average increased to 18.3, for their best-effort tests. Of the 61 students, 54 (89%) improved their score, and 20 (33%) met or exceeded the ACT benchmark score of 21 points.

View Educator’s Briefing (87 Kb PDF)

After Reading Assistant use, students improve reading level 50% beyond expected gains

School Years: 2010-2011
Number of Students: 2,148 students
Number of Schools: 136 schools
Grade Levels: 1st-12th grade

The study participants began the school year with an average grade level of 4.5. After using Reading Assistant Expanded Edition software, the students made statistically significant gains in their normal curve equivalent scores on RPI (t(2147) = 28.1; p < 0.01). The group average improved from the 22nd percentile to the 37th percentile, and from a reading level of 3.4 to 4.3.

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84% of West Jefferson Hills Students Increase Reading Proficiency Level after Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant Participation

School District: West Jefferson Hills School District, PA
School Structure: Suburban
Grade Level: Middle School

Prior to using the products, all 31 students were performing at either the Below Basic or Basic level with none of the students in the Proficient or Advanced level. However, after product use, 84% of students moved up one or more levels. Of the 31 students, 21 reached either Proficient or Advanced. On average, this group of students also showed statistically significant gains in their scaled scores, improving from 1128 to 1328.

View Educator’s Briefing (54 Kb PDF)

Dallas Students Move from 15th to 31st Percentile in Reading Fluency

School District: Dallas Independent School District, TX
School Structure: Urban
Grade Level: Secondary

Prior to product use, the study group was slightly below the average range. Six weeks later, after using a combination of Reading Assistant and Fast ForWord products, the group had risen well into the average range. The students’ improvements were statistically significant, with comparable gains across the measures of sight word reading and decoding skills. Average word reading fluency scores for the group moved from a standard score of 84.7 to 92.6 which corresponds to moving from the 15th to the 31st percentile.

View Educator’s Briefing (55 Kb PDF)
View Full Report (143 Kb PDF)

One-half Year Increase in Reading after a One-month Summer Program Using Reading Assistant

School District: The Marion County Schools, WV
School Structure: Rural
Grade Level: 5th Grade

After one month of Reading Assistant use, these students made significant gains on the SRI. On average, their Lexile scores improved by 68 points. Average students at the 4th to 5th grade level typically gain between 100 and 120 Lexile points in a year. In this one month summer program, participants gained more than half a year in reading comprehension, on average.

View Educator’s Briefing (51 Kb PDF)
View Full Report (72 Kb PDF)

Students jump from 21st to 30th percentile in reading after summer school with Reading Assistant

School District: Wayne County Public Schools, NC
School Structure: Urban
Grade Level: 1st – 8th Grade

In a one month period, students made three months of reading gain, and moved from the “struggling” level to the “emerging” level on Reading Progress Indicator.

View Educator’s Briefing (51 Kb PDF)

Bridges Academy Students Exceed Expected Gains in Reading Skills

School: Bridges Academy, FL
School Structure: Suburban
Grade Level: 2nd – 10th Grade

Seventeen study participants took the Word Identification, Word Attack, and Passage Comprehension subtests of the WRMT-R before and after a period of using Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant products. On average, they showed significant improvements in reading skills, with similar gains across all three subtests. In an average of three months, the students improved their grade equivalent scores by an average of one year and three months on the Basic Skills Composite, which combines the Word Identification and Word Attack subtests.

View Educator’s Briefing (125 Kb PDF)
View Full Report (73 Kb PDF)

Students Show Reading Fluency Gains After Guided Reading Practice with Reading Assistant

School District: Framingham Public Schools, MA
School Structure: Suburban
Grade Level: 2nd – 5th Grade

On average, students who used the Reading Assistant made significantly greater gains in words correct per minute (WCPM) than students who received their standard reading curriculum alone. In addition, the Reading Assistant group exceeded expectations for fluency gains based on Edformation’s normative data. The advantage for the Reading Assistant group was consistent across the four grade levels.

View Educator’s Briefing (53 Kb PDF)